Tag Archives: coach training options

Down The Rabbit Hole Looking For A Life Coaching School

I never thought researching Life Coaching Schools would be like trying to get a straight answer from a CIA agent!!!  It’s so confusing, so frustrating, and absolutely crazy making!  Between modules this, and packages that, fast track, advanced, experiential learning, cycle-to-cycle and city-to-city, pods, face-to-face, teleclasses, telephone, webcasts, virtual classrooms, online, in-person, or any combination of the above, it’s more complicated than ordering a coffee drink at Starbucks!!!

I thought, “OK, maybe if I ask very specific questions, that will work.”  I must admit, some schools actually answered my questions but then there was “Watch the video.”  “Check the website.”  “You must have a free coaching-consultation session.”  A free coaching consultation?  Are you kidding me? I can’t take it anymore!!  Please, Coaching Schools, do yourselves a favor, make it simple and easy, or your prospective students will go elsewhere!  I finally did find a school that was actually easy to understand, so I didn’t feel like I had to take a class to find a class.  It turns out, it was the best deal of them all!

Contact Marianna Lead, MCC, ICF Assessor to receive The Comparison Grid of Coach Training Schools and schedule a complimentary consultation to bring clarity to coach training options and help you make the right decision>>http://lifeandcareercoachtraining.com/copy/contact/ 

Guest Blog by Denise McCanles, Goal Imagery Institute Graduate and Certified ICF Coach Helping Professionals Find Their Creative Outlet to Preserve Their Sanity!
