Tag Archives: feeling

Coaching & Training: Philosophical Distance

I was reading some psychology literature and encountered this term “philosophical distance”.  I really like that as a concept. It sounds much better than “being an observer”. But, essentially, that’s what it is. However, it adds something to the concept of an observer. You are observing with a deeper quality in mind; you are observing from a philosophical distance.  Observing doesn’t have to mean to be void of emotions or void of judgment. It depends on the emotions and on the type of judgment. And, as we take on being philosophical about it – then little things that ordinarily drive us up the wall, would look and feel meaningless and small from a larger, more philosophical perspective.  Our feelings and our judgments are good to notice. That’s the first step in being able to shift them. And, often enough, when we look at things from a philosophical distance, that shift happens instantly.  What are your thoughts on that?

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