Promises, promises…

So many coaches and coaching schools promise and even guarantee results. Does it mean that a coach is willing to take responsibility for what his /her clients do or not do? Does it mean that a coach training school is taking responsibility how someone would coach and build their coaching business? Is this in integrity? Is this an authentic promise? Even medical doctors don’t guarantee results. Do some coaches have a God Complex? I mean, who could take that type of responsibility for another human being? And coach training schools that promise that you’ll have a blossoming coaching practice as soon as you graduate — are you kidding me? It takes a bit more than that… Your thoughts?


Speaking about “Niches”…

I trust the process — the coaching process — and since we use (or at least try as much as we can) content-free language, it doesn’t really matter what niche / type of coaching we do. “Niche” only changes the general topic of the conversation. In other words, it changes the topic from “executive” to “career” to “relationship” to “health” issues, etc. — but the coaching process always stays the same. Of course, it’s always nice to have additional templates and resources when you know your market and want to focus on a specific niche. However, it’s not as nearly important as some imagine it to be. The most important things are: trust the coaching process and be in the moment. What do you think?


Is it ok to interrupt your client with a supportive comment or acknowledgment?

Yes, I am talking about a “good” coach who is making sounds “uh-huh” and says “right, right” over her client, interrupting with “That sounds so great!!” or “WOW! Congratulations!” The funny thing is, it’s not a conscious choice on behalf of a coach.  Coach is anxious to show “support” and “acknowledge” her/his client. The problem is, it backfires and focuses the energy on the coach instead of the client.Even positive feedback stops the flow of client’s thinking. As a Coach Mentor and ICF Credentialing Assessor, I hear this behavior a lot lately.  It’s interesting to me that clients usually accept it as a part of their coaching conversation. Well, they just don’t know the difference and usually don’t judge their coach. However, whether a client is aware of it or not, it stifles the session flow and client’s progress. It becomes a clear case of “unintended consequence”.


FREE Webinar: Attracting More Paying Coaching Clients with Your Website. By Noomii’s CEO, Kurt Shurster

As a special treat, I’m inviting you to participate in a FREE session with Noomii’s CEO, Kurt Shuster, on how to make YOUR website work harder for you. He’ll share his insights based on experience with helping thousands of coaches turn their website visitors into paying clients.


-What elements of your website prospective clients most want to see
-What you’re probably leaving out of your website and why it’s hurting you
-How to “convert” window shoppers on your website into paying clients


WHEN: Wed, June 25 at 2pm Eastern (11am Pacific)


Missing this may mean seriously missing out on getting clients…So, register now and put it on your calendar!

See you there,


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FREE from the World Business & Executive Coach Summit (WBECS)

Just as last year, I’d like to share with you this special link to join the World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) and benefit from their free Pre-Summit coaching presentations:

They include:

  • My Definition of Success by John C. Maxwell
  • The Truth About Leadership by Jim Kouzes
  • The Latest Developments and Future Challenges, Including New Methods for Supervising Team Coaching by Peter Hawkins
  • Integral Leadership: Building Resilience, Openness, and Creativity in Leaders by James Flaherty
  • Generative Thriving: Professional Sovereignty is Key by Janet Harvey
  • Coaching Across Cultures: Leveraging Cultural Differences for Creativity, Unity and Purpose by Philippe Rosinski
  • The Key to Success in Life and Business is to Become a Master at Conversational Intelligence by Judith Glaser
  • ROI of Coaching: Three Keys to Success by Lisa Ann Edwards

And many more… 

Register for all these complimentary sessions here:


Why Hire a Coach

Read the research data here:

Why You Need A Coach


Being in the Moment v. Being on Purpose

Even though Eastern approaches are becoming more and more mainstream and are being accepted by us as a healthy way of living, we don’t really buy into it fully. Not really. And, from a coaching perspective, even though “being in the moment” is regarded as very important, coaching, as a discipline, is very much results- and future-oriented.  In fact, both “being in the moment” and “being on purpose” are core coaching attitudes. How do we reconcile them and find balance? Can someone be truly in the moment while constantly structuring and strategizing over their future?

From a philosophical point of view towards life and living, “being in the moment” is a meditative, Zen attitude of accepting, receiving, being still in the moment and appreciating it fully. Nothing to move towards, nothing to do, the moment is perfect in itself and on its own. Don’t we take ourselves “out of it” when we dream about the future? When we strategize? When we think where we’d like to be instead of where we are right now?

In our culture, we don’t allow ourselves to just be happy and content without a specific reason. Why do we need a reason to be happy? Why not be happy “just because”? Why is it that we ask our children, “Who do you want to be when you grow up?” Why not let them to “just be” and enjoy the moment? What are your thoughts?


We Have Three Brains to Coach!

I love when science finally proves something that we knew for centuries.

Listen to a very interesting presentation about how the science has proved that there is not one, but three brains: brain, heart, and gut. And a coaching approach to integrating them. In fact, it’s very similar to what I teach as part of Goal Imagery(R) method. Take a listen:

There is much more to come! And it’s free at WBECS (World Business and Executive Coach Summit) pre-summit:“.



WBECS (World Business and Executive Coach Summit) with Brian Underhill: What Do Executives Want in a Coach?

You can still register for WBECS (World Business and Executive Coach Summit) free pre-summit“.

Tonight’s session was with Dr. Brian Underhill, founder & CEO of CoachSource, LLC  and the author of “Executive Coaching for Results”.

He also told us that if we twitter him directly, he’ll send us his book – very generous of him. His twitter:

Here’s the screen shot from his presentation where he is sharing with us the latest research that was done this year.


Don’t pick a niche — unless you want to!

I never really bought the idea that in order to be successful – you must have a niche. I do believe you need to know WHO you are, what you bring to the table, and why you want to do that. The rest will sort itself out… I can bring lots of examples of people in a variety of industries, including coaching, who became successful because of who they were. Yes, I agree, we can’t be all things to all clients, but we don’t have to be. We just have to be ourselves.:)

Personally, I do find “having to” pick a niche a very frustrating and limiting experience. Why force yourself into something that doesn’t feel natural? I encourage everyone to give yourself a permission (as we ask our clients often) NOT having to have a niche – unless you want to. There is a huge difference between doing something because you “want to” versus because everyone else seems to be doing it and/or telling you that you should do that as well. I think most of us are being “bullied” into picking a niche. How do you like those strong words?:)
